Breast Reduction

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Breast reduction can be preformed to help reduce shoulder and back pain.  As well, patients often feel improved energy levels and self-esteem.  Goals of breast reduction are to reduce and lift the breast, not to hit a target cup size.

Expectations are scar improvement and fading up to 1 year.

Breast Reduction


Breast reduction may include extra techniques beyond surgical removal of tissue.  Liposuction is often used along with surgery to contour the sides of the breast or the abdomen to help provide an ideal shape.

Uppers and Lowers: Four Lid Surgery


Four lid surgery, also known as quadruple blepharoplasty, involves the surgical correction of both the upper and lower eyelids on each eye.

Body Shaping: Tummy Tuck


This patient had a type of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) called an Fleur de Lis, which is essentially an upside-down T-shaped incision.  Reasons for this type of procedure include significant stretch marks in the central and upper part of the abdomen, excess skin in the central and upper abdomen or previous midline scar.

Breast Reduction


Breast Reduction can alleviate the physical discomfort and pain often associated with overly large breasts, including back, neck, and shoulder pain. By removing excess tissue, fat, and skin, breast reduction can improve posture and relieve pressure on the spine and shoulders, leading to a more comfortable lifestyle.

Breast Reduction


Patient in her mid-20s.  Always felt like her breasts were too big and heavy for her body.  She went from a 34G size bra to a 34C.  Shown 3 months after surgery, she is beyond happy.  Anticipate here vertical reduction scars to improve over the next year.


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Lifting and reducing heavy neck skin and fat can have a dramatic effect on the overall facial profile.  Scars are perfectly hidden behind the ears and along natural creases.

Breast Lift


Breast lift and breast reduction are typically one in the same.  With a lift the nipple is moved upward and the breast is formed around that.  Depending on how much breast tissue needs to be removed the surgery can qualify as a breast reduction.  But there is always some lifting involved in both procedures.

Shown here is a 39 year old patient who was done having kids and wanted to fit better into her clothes.  She is shown before surgery and three months after surgery.