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Mohs Reconstruction

Mohs reconstruction is a specialized surgical procedure performed to repair defects in the skin resulting from Mohs micrographic surgery, a highly precise technique used to treat skin cancer. Mohs reconstruction aims to restore the appearance and functionality of the skin following the removal of cancerous lesions while minimizing scarring and preserving aesthetic outcomes.

If you’ve undergone Mohs micrographic surgery to treat skin cancer and require reconstruction to repair skin defects, Mohs reconstruction can help restore the appearance and function of your skin while minimizing scarring. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sara R. Dickie to discuss your options for Mohs reconstruction and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. With her expertise and compassionate care, you can achieve optimal outcomes and regain confidence in your skin’s health and appearance.

The Basics

Mohs Micrographic Surgery (MMS): Mohs surgery is a specialized technique used to remove skin cancer with maximum precision while sparing healthy tissue. During the procedure, thin layers of skin containing cancerous cells are removed and examined under a microscope until all cancerous cells are eradicated.

Reconstruction: After the cancerous lesion has been completely excised, Mohs reconstruction is performed to repair the resulting wound and restore the integrity of the skin. The reconstruction process may involve various techniques, including primary closure, skin grafts, and local tissue rearrangement, depending on the size, location, and depth of the defect.

Who is a good candidate?

Candidates for Mohs reconstruction typically include individuals who:

  • Have Undergone Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Mohs reconstruction is specifically indicated for patients who have undergone Mohs surgery to treat skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or certain types of melanoma.
  • Require Skin Defect Repair: Candidates have skin defects resulting from the removal of cancerous lesions and require surgical reconstruction to restore the appearance and functionality of the affected area.
  • Desire Minimal Scarring: Mohs reconstruction is ideal for patients who prioritize aesthetic outcomes and seek minimal scarring following skin cancer treatment. Mohs reconstruction techniques are tailored to minimize scarring while achieving optimal wound healing and cosmetic results.
  • Are in Good Overall Health: Candidates for Mohs reconstruction should be in good overall health and able to tolerate surgical procedures. Factors such as medical history, medications, and any existing health conditions will be evaluated to determine candidacy for surgery.

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Sara Surgery is a premier Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery provider in Morton Grove, Illinois, serving the greater Chicago area.